Saturday 12 October 2013

Contest results!

Peace Pickles!
Alright, so the contest closed. I only got 1 entry, but it was hilarious XD
Well, I guess some ideas were good, so the grand winner is...


Duh! But,of course, if her entry wasn't that good I would just say:
Thanks for entering, but you didn't win...sorry.... har.

Anyway,her entry:
An ostrich.
A table cloth.
A bunch of flowers.
A tea cup.
AJ HQ's brain cells (extraordinarily cheap).
A pine cone.

Hehe, jk.
Argh, idk what you'd want o.e

AJ membership? 
A watch?


Ha,you have no idea how much I want an ostrich. I mean, they're ostriches. That makes them awesome.And they poop giant eggs. How awesome is THAT? 

America? HELL YEAH! I will have the White House, AJHQ (HA!),Most virtual world HQs (groan), Bill Gates' house... Man XD

Table cloth,tea cup,bunch of flowers are all too tiny. So yeah... but XD

AJHQ's brain cells I can buy for the remaining 1p I will have,har!

A pine cone... only if it's dipped in platinum. 

Righty! I guess I don't really want an AJ membership anymore, sorry to disappoint all Animal Jam fans....

A watch is a good idea,actually!

Right, I will tell you what I ACTUALLY bought in tomorrow's post, but on to the prizes...

You can choose a prize package! I don't mind if it's 1st,2nd or 3rd place...
Yeah, choose 3 prize packages and let me know :)

Bye for today! (\(OUO)

Thursday 10 October 2013

Enter my contest!

So,before you go off happily chomping my Potato captors, just wanna remind you...


Look,I even made it all nice and colourful for you. Will you now?

Please? I need entries by 11pm GMT tomorrow o.o

Kinyonga entered and her list was hilarious XD

Well, I'm sort of desperate. I don't even know MYSELF.
Ha, don't worry, I will make a proper post on...


Virtual Worlds XD

Saturday 5 October 2013

Happy Queen Pickle Birthday!

Heyo Pickles!
It was my birthday 2 days ago, I turned...
I'm way younger than that.
I chose my gift!
I told my parents that I want money and then I could go shopping with them;they said I can have £50 since it's how much my sister's gift, Fifa 14, cost.
It's up to you, my wonderful pickles, to decide what I can have.

  • Think about Gender,Age and personality. Haha, no way, I'm not telling you that. You have to work that out yourself, because there's a prize for the best list!
  • Remember my budget is £50
  • Think about gifts that might help a bit with the blog. For example, for the Virtual World page, you might include a membership for one.
  • You can mix it with online purchases. For example, I could go to uh... Tesco's for um... music? (I hate music!) and I could buy... a membership for something online with the remaining money.
  • You don't have to use all the money.
  • Best list gets a prize!
What you have to do:
Compose a list of present suggestions I could buy. Remember to look for an approximate cost in British Pound Sterling. 
Look around the blog to help you with WHAT type of present I would like, such as age.
Good luck!

1st (Best list, most items chosen-about 75%) 
  Chicken Smoothie
 Animal Jam
Bin Weevils,Moshi Monsters or Club Penguin (You can choose up to 3 games in the code pack to receive 15 codes for)

2nd-(Great list, half of items chosen,about 50%)
 Animal Jam
 Moshi Monsters,Bin Weevils,Club Penguin
You can choose up to 2 games to receive  10 codes for.

3rd-(Good list,some items chosen,about 25%)

 Animal Jam
Bin weevils,Moshi Monsters,Club Penguin
You can choose one game to receive 5 codes for.

Good luck! :P
Next: How to organise your weekend!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

How I get through the school day

Hallo :D
Happy Pickle-October! Hopefully my ordered Golden Blanket will arrive on time for my birthday.
I did write before a guide on surviving the school day, yes?
Well, here is an explanation of how I do it, yes ME! You all go to different schools so yeah....
Anyway :D

Night before:

  • Check homework
  • Check books
  • Eat
  • Bed

  • Check bag
  • Check timetable
  • Breakfast
  • School

  1. I aim to arrive at around 8.15. This gives me about 30 minutes to add a finishing touch to any homework and just relax, wake myself up and prepare for the first two lessons.
  2. When the bell goes, I go to the classroom at a steady pace. Seriously, I have 5 minutes. That's enough. Besides, rushing will make you suffer the crowded hallway of doom.
  3. If it's a boring lesson, I try to do something that will entertain me. I just relax, pay attention to about 75% of it, and either wake up further,prepare for next lesson  or chill.
  4. If it's a good lesson, I pay attention and let the time go quick. Especially Geography or Science.
  5. Break! Time to wake up if I haven't already. Firstly, if I want, I go to the canteen and get a light snack. I run around and move for a bit, inhale the fresh air and then do some homework,if any, in the library where the atmosphere is calm,quiet and it smells nice XD
  6. Next lesson. I just get through it and try not to count the minutes until Lunch. Depending on the lesson, I pay attention or think up ideas, 75% are forgotten anyway x3 I try to make the most out of the lesson and make it seem fun.
  7. Lunch, thank Pie. I check my scheduled lunch time. If it's 12.30, I go eat straight away and then enjoy the rest of lunch break. If it's 12.40 or later, I do the things I have to do first, eat lunch at the scheduled time and then, if there's time, continue doing the things. Prepare for the final two lessons.
  8. Phew, the hot and stuffy final two lessons of the day. Avoiding the dreaded clock, I get through the lessons.
There you have it! I will work on blog design, I now have to rush off for another blog. Bye!

Sunday 29 September 2013


Oh,my glorious pickles, happy Sunday! Personally, I left all my Potato homework until last, but now that is out of the way... I can talk to you all!
Here is my glorious guide of surviving the school day, good luck!
Check that everything is in place. Make sure you have all your Potato homework.  Textbooks. Uniform. Now go to bed. If you have to wake up at 7, ask Pickle Siri to set the alarm for you. Suggested bed time? 9pm.
-Yawn- Wake up now bro! Eat breakfast. Set off XD
If your school offers food before morning registration, you might want to get something small from the canteen. Do a last minute check of your stuff and then get registered.

OK. ..If it's a boring lesson, you can try:

  • Counting the time
  • Drawing
  • Thinking up ideas
  • Communicating with people next to you
  • Thinking about things that you look forward to.
During break, you might want to get something from the canteen. Maybe go to the library,run around, get some fresh air and wake yourself up. Prepare yourself for next lessons.

Best break time activities for...

  • Pick flowers
  • Make flower-y stuff
  • F.L.O.W.E.R.Y B.U.N.N.I.E.S

  • Enjoy outside activities
  • Run around
  • Erg, your favourite summer things

  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Ahahahahahha

  • Snow x3
Coming next: Pickle fall make-up :D

Saturday 28 September 2013


Nugget? Nugget? NUGGET! Oh, my precious Nugget, where are you?
Oh... Hallo.
Today's post is about your...
Oh shoot, I forgot you don't have one.
Well, I will now do something I have never done before, but I, as a Queen of Pickles, must provide you... -ahem- Pickles, with tips to live your life like a boss!
I suppose you don't know yet that Sugar can trigger some pleasure centre in your brain, and it will make your memory worse?
And because you all go to Pickle-Schools,you need a good dose of advice on how to improve your already bad memory!

  1. Keep sugar to a minimum! About 20 grams a day is just fine, but keep sugar at bay as an occasional treat.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids work wonders. In fact, my mom is making some trout for me downstairs. I used to have some Omega-3 pills or something. Anyway, good sources of Omega-3 are foods like Salmon,Flaxseed Oil, Tuna,Walnuts and Eggs. Eat them regularly! 
  3. Antioxidants. Those will protect and improve memory. Berries, Blueberries, Garlic,Carrots,Spinach,Tea,Tomatoes...
  4. Protein! Foods like Dairy,Eggs,Seafood and Soy are great sources.
  5. Water! Dehydration can do all sorts of nasty things to your brain, and your body, so consider having at least 1.5 litres of water daily. But not all at once. Seriously. Unless you wanna die like that Hold your pee for a wii thing XD When at school,get water in every opportunity you can. If in Primary, get a water bottle from home and keep one in your lunch box. Refill the one from home at Break and Lunchtimes, using water fountains or something. If in Secondary,get food from the canteen. At my school, you can get food before morning registration,break and lunch. Either way, JUST GET THE FOOD! Er... water
  6. Vitamins! Vitamins are super important if you really care about your brain. Deficiencies of vitamins can cause learning impairment, so stock up on Vitamins C, B6,B12,Iron,Calcium and many other vitamins. Good sources are fruits and vegetables.
  7. Fiber is super important for the proper functioning of your brain. It can ensure sugar is absorbed at a gradual pace and help your memory. Dried fruits,Vegetables, Peas,Beans,Nuts,Seeds,Fruit,Whole grains...
  8. Coconuts! I love coconuts, don't you? The best source of brain goodies from coconuts is the oil, which really helps your brain and provides it with energy. Coconut oil can be mixed and added to dishes to make them taste better and... ENHANCE THE FLAVOUR!
  9. Tea. Especially Green tea, but other teas can also give your memory a boost. Just drink tea on a regular basis.It's packed with antioxidants.
  10. Away from food topics, play memory games! Good memory games are things like those match-up ones, like Snap!,crosswords,word searches and many more. If you don't want to get off your butt right now, virtual worlds like Animal Jam and Bin Weevils have some good memory games. Play those and your brain will be trained!
Right! Now, coming tomorrow... how to survive the school day!

Sunday 22 September 2013


I hope you enjoyed the first 5 minutes of Autumn!
OK, gotta go bed soon, bye! :)